Blogs May 2014

Measuring Success for OpenDaylight: Are We There Yet?


This week at the Network Virtualization and SDN World event in London I’ve had many people ask me some variation of, ‘how is OpenDaylight doing?’ or ‘how are things progressing?’. To answer those questions, I must implicitly answer a different one: how do you judge the success of an open source project like OpenDaylight?

Growing to Maturity: Open Cloud and Open SDN


Having just attended OpenStack Summit and LinuxCon/CloudOpen Japan it’s clear that interest in open source is the highest it's ever been and has hit the mainstream. These are open source events to be sure, but what struck me were the conversations I had with folks about how and why open cloud and open SDN have continued to mature.

Top 5 OpenDaylight and OpenStack Videos


Last week the OpenStack Summit in Atlanta showcased the growing integration between OpenDaylight and OpenStack. The following videos highlight some of the critical debates happening in the industry and the importance of having an open, SDN platform like OpenDaylight work with OpenStack clouds.

1. OpenStack and OpenDaylight Network Flavors


HP Doubles Down on OpenDaylight

I am very excited to have HP increase its commitment in the OpenDaylight Project to the Platinum membership level. They are a major player in the networking space and will bring new perspectives the OpenDaylight developer community. HP is one of the few companies in the world that provides the full technology stack from infrastructure to apps, and is a significant end user of technology.

OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: David Goldberg

OpenDaylight is an active community of developers who are passionate about transforming networking. This blog series highlights the people who are collaborating to create the future of SDN and NFV.

10 Things Neela Jacques is Excited About for OpenDaylight


It's been an exciting couple of weeks filled with positive momentum for the OpenDaylight Project. Executive director Neela Jacques shares his top 10 highlights via Twitter.